Recipe steak tartare | Inspired by Serge Herman
A well known classic amongst a lot of us: steak tartare. Low in fat, high in protein and full of taste.

The grocery list

Steak Tartare: 
- 400gr of tenderloin 
- 40gr allspice (piment) mayonaise
- pinch of salt
- 30gr of cornichons (pickles)
- 30gr of shallot 
- 8 sprigs of parsley
- 1/4 bunch of chives

- 200ml white wine vinegar 
- 100ml white wine
- 100gr sugar
- 40 gr mustard seed 
- salt
- 1 large shallot
- 1ts of turmeric powder
- 12 slices of beetroot 
- 1 star anise 
- 12 pearl onions
- 100ml basic vinaigrette

Bread croutons:
- 2 slices of firm bread
- 30gr melted beurre noisette 
- salt

Piment mayonaise 
- 75gr neutral mayonaise 
- 75gr Kewpie mayonaise 
- 1tbs piment d’espelette
- 15ml Cabernet Sauvignon vinegar

Materials from the kitchen: 
- crème brûlée burner
- 1 large spike with a diameter of 8cm

Let’s start with the garnish: 
1. Boil the white wine vinegar and white wine together with 100ml water and the sugar until the sugar has dissolved. Take of the stove and divide this into 3 equal parts. 
2. Boil the mustard seeds gently in water with a pinch of salt for 10 minutes. Drain and bring to the boil again in 1 part sweet and sour we had set aside. Once this boils, turn off the heat and let it cool. Drain through a sieve and save the mustard seeds.
3. Halot the shallot and cut into large half rings. Mix some sweet and sour with the turmeric and bring to the boil along with the shallot. Remove from heat as soon as it boils and let cool. Keep the shallot in the liquid.
4. Bring the remaining sweet and sour portion with the star anise to the boil. Spoon the slices of precooked beetroot into this, let it cool and store in the liquid.
5. Cut the pearl onions in half. Sconce black on both sides with the crème brûlée burner and marinate for 30min in the basic vinaigrette.
6.Cut the crusts off the bread. Then cut small cubes. Baste with a little bit of melted butter (beurre noisette) and sprinkle with a pinch of salt. Bake on a parchment-lined baking tray for 8 minutes in a preheated oven at 170 degrees until golden brown and crispy.

For the piment-mayonaise: 
Mix all ingredients together with a whisk in a bowl. You will be making a little more mayonnaise than you need. You can keep the mayonnaise in the fridge for a few days!

1.Cut the tenderloin into very fine small cubes. Add 6gr of salt and mix well so that you massage the salt into the meat. Then leave it covered in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.
2. In the meantime, cut fine brunoise from the cornichons (pickles) and shallot and chop the herbs.
3. Stir the meat with the olive oil and add all other ingredients. Season with extra salt if necessary.

Time to make up your plate !

Take 4 large flat plates and cut the steak tartare with the large round cutter in the center of the plate. Cover the top with a thin layer of mustard seeds. Then divide the beets, pearl onions and shallots and sprinkle some chives over the top. Be creative!

As a variation, you could also add a quail egg or fried egg yolk to serve on top.

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